6 petal diet

The 6 petals diet is a set of mono-diets which follow one another successively for six days. The author of this method for losing weight, Anna Johansson, tried to minimize the feeling of hunger and psychological discomfort for those who lose weight during the diet, while ensuring rapid results. According to reviews, the 6-petal diet allows you to lose 3-5 kilograms of excess weight for the specified period.

Constant adherence to mono-diets based on fish, vegetables, chicken, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits allows you not to limit yourself to one set of foods, but to eat a variety of foods not only throughoutalong the 6-petal bunch, but also during each day.

In order to eliminate psychological discomfort, reduce nervousness and maintain a positive attitude, Anna Johansson suggested turning weight loss into a kind of game. So, before starting the diet, it is recommended to draw aflower with six petals, each corresponding to a specific day. This flower must be hung in a conspicuous place, the refrigerator door is the best for this, and every evening to tear off the petal that corresponds to the last day, having previously noted on it the weight lost for the current day. Reviews of the 6 petal diet confirm the stimulating and motivating aspect of this game.

Diet menu 6 petals

The effectiveness of the 6 petal diet is due to the thoughtful alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, which not only allows for separate meals, but also speeds up the fat burning process. To date, it is already reliably known that all mono-diets are effective only in the first 25 hours of their observance, because with longer use the body adapts to changes in nutrition and goes into modeenergy saving. In the case of petals, the 6 diet menu is designed in such a way that the body does not have time to get used to it, and therefore the weight disappears almost evenly every day.

6 petal diet menu:

  • Fish.The diet of the first day should be limited exclusively to fish dishes, which can be prepared by boiling, stewing or baking. It is allowed on this day to use mild seasonings, herbs, salt, as well as the use of fish broth. For the first day, the fish was chosen because of its digestibility and low calorie content. In addition, the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in this product can saturate the body and "lull" its vigilance. On the first day, the recipes for the 6-petal diet focus on a total amount of fish in the range of 300-500 g;
  • Vegetable.The second day is designed to enrich the body with carbohydrates, while also burning some fat. It is possible to achieve such a double effect by including vegetable carbohydrates in the menu, the energy value of which is much lower than the costs that the body spends on their digestion. On the second day, you can eat about 1-1. 5 kg of vegetables, including potatoes, cooking them in any way, except frying;
  • Chicken.On the third day, it is allowed to eat 500 g of white chicken meat with the addition of a small amount of salt, seasonings and herbs. As with all 6 Petal Diet recipes, the chicken does not involve deep frying. As a rule, after the third day there is a significant decrease in weight, which is explained by insufficient carbohydrate intake, as a result of which the body begins to use its own fat cells as a source of energy;
  • Cereal.On this day, the menu of the 6 petal diet involves the use of cereals (200 g of cereals), bran, seeds, cereal breads and fiber. The complex carbohydrates received with these products, the body replenishes its glycogen reserves and again receives energy from its own adipose tissue;
  • White cheese.For day 5, 6 petal diet recipes can include 500 grams of low fat or low fat cottage cheese and a small amount of low fat milk. Eating these foods will allow your body to get high quality protein and replenish certain minerals.
  • Fruit.On the last day, it is allowed to eat 1 - 1. 5 kg of fruit, while it is possible to use them both raw, baked and in the form of juice.

Additional recommendations

the chef symbolizes the 6 petal diet

It's no secret that the effectiveness of any diet increases dramatically if changes in nutrition are supported by increased physical activity. In addition, the key to successful weight loss is adequate fluid intake - for a 6-petal diet, two liters is considered the optimal amount of water per day. In addition, between meals it is allowed to use mineral water without gas, herbal and herbal teas, rosehip decoction.

Compliance with certain rules throughout the 6-petal diet, as well as on its completion, will not only achieve good results, but also consolidate them:

  • preference should be given to fresh, quality products.
  • on appropriate days it is recommended to choose whole grains, low-starch vegetables and remove the skin from the chicken;
  • during the diet, you should completely abandon sweets, chocolate, sugar, bread and preservatives, and when finished, limit their consumption as much as possible;
  • after six days "petals", it is necessary for some time to consume the same foods as during the diet, combining them, gradually increasing the calorie content of the daily diet to 1500-1800 Kcal;
  • it is recommended to reapply this method of weight loss no earlier than a week.

The 6 Petal Diet is focused on maximum results and minimal stress on the body. However, even with many positive reviews, the safety of this method of losing weight can only be confirmed by a doctor in each individual case.